Monday, September 30, 2013

2 lost pots... isn't technology wonderful?

so ayway, I started writing twice. this laptop shut down and when it  came back Firefox  clos ed itself  so this will be a brief post as I am currently being menaced by a stink bug, and hve been cursed  ny the mystery key board malady w here my cursor keeps jumping  to new places in the text and picking up in the middle of the previous one' errrgh, you probably dont u nderstand, bur ignore all weird typing mistakes i ant keep going back to correct shit i would be here all night, aand I am starting to fade.
new blog game
my best friend,  and tha does not even begin to describe our. relationship, she is my true other half. If th
e world exploded, as long As  i HAd my girl, everything would be okay,  we'd , take on the devil,  cheek to cheek into  hell, no fears.
but I digress: new blog game about to commence here is how it will work
my girl will send me a title, or a thrmr every day
including a few pertinent facts, but not the name, we'll refer to all exes as F D H
(we'll explain the initials and reason for using those particular letters later)
she will give me a few pertinent facts, and I may ask a few questions
Then I will make up a story, and publih it as my blog of the day a blf ast telling stor
we are going to have a blast telling stories about  our lives 
we'll fill you in on any details
if yous  don't like it, well, we don't care
this is for me and her  it is for fun for us to learn about each others lives. you don"t like it? too bad, do't let the door hit ya in the ass pal, tomorrows subject " can you believe it? a snap shot of a conversation between C  and W...wait for it