Friday, February 6, 2015

off to the hospital again

well here I go, off for an infusion, again
seems like it was only last month....
hey, wait, it was only last month
this seems like an endless cycle
but off we go, hoping that this is the reason I have been feeling better, walking a bit more and all the good things that have occurred in the past year
this is my second year of Tysabri, 3rd if you count the year that I was on it 4 years ago
maybe this is as good as it gets, with my particular form of MS
my new normal is better than it was, but it has taken a hell of a lot of physical therapy, and work on my part so, is it the meds, or is it me?
I guess that I will need to keep up with all of it, new diet, physical therapy, and Tysabri.
wish me luck, eh?
Sending love out to everyone today

Thursday, January 22, 2015


in every sense
no creative drive
not to write, not to do glass work, not for much of anything
so I decided that I will sit down and write, try to do a bit every day, sort of like a living jourmal
we shall see what comes out of this
hey, bright side, I'll use my new neglected laptop
I don't have any of my images, or contacts transferred to this machine, and it may never happen, so what am I waiting for you may well ask.
Ask away, I don't  have any special answers, ok?
I did get into the studio today, and Helen foiled up a storm, so after she left, I soldered up a storm, and the face is about 1/2 finished, tomorrow will be a soldering kind of day.Don't expect much in the way of punctuation, grammar, or even ideas, at the moment I am just getting started back up, ok?