Friday, July 13, 2012

No names will be shared, so don't get too worked up, ok?

Allright, I am over at my bud's place, and while we were hanging out another friend came over, too. While he. was somewhere else, we get into a discussion, and somehow this turns to talk about oral sex (and no, guys, that is not all we talk about when you are not around, no matter what your fantasies involve)
 So anyway...she say's

"Well, I don't like blowing my husband,  you know..oral,  it's just  not my thing.
And anyway  I always have to jump up and brush my teeth know, I think he get's offended"

And I'm thinking,
"What? Why? He still got blown, right?" but I don't delve into this subject, this is not a discussion  that I am willing to have at this particular time and place, because of the other people that are present, so we keep on talking, about general girl stuff...but this statement stays with me.

So, I am having dinner with a few friends, some of them more proper than this discussion will allow, so when the crowd thins out to just me and one other couple, who I know I can have an interesting  (and amusing) discussion with.
So I turn the folks, and I say

"Ok, question for a guy, here."

and I lay out the background, and tell them the story of how my girlfriend says she has to brush her teeth after a blowjob, and I ask the male in the couple

"So, what do you say. would you be offended? Is this offensive? I mean, as a still got blown, right?"

and my guy friend says, and this is a direct quote from a male

 " I knew that this was what women talked about when  guys weren't around....
 but, hey, I'll buy her a fucking case of toothbrush, she can consider them disposable"

and we all fucking fell out, and much wine was consumed, and we continued to talk about a myriad of things.
But this discussion only continued to fester in my brain. So I lay this on one of my other girlfriends, both conversations, and after many giggles, she says

"well, you know, I hate it when you can feel those little spermatozoa crawling  under my gums, personally"

And we fell out laughing, and I can only say, girlfriend, if you are reading this, keep on brushing, if you are so inclined. And don't be mad, i didn't use your name, either here, or in the discussion among other friends.

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