Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Part two, or three, who know how many yet to come?

So, I left off when we got to Berkeley Springs right?  That's as good as any to begin the tale again. When we got here we built my pottery studio first, we lived in a tent while we built the pottery shop, and moved into the pottery shop while we continued to grow Frog Valley, I worked 2 million shifts a week, continued making pottery,  and began learning to do stained glass with a local artist, ragtime.
I didn't know where that would lead, but I am glad that I have ended up here, even with MS.
Right now I have just finished running a contest called "Mosaix for the Masses" and I just finished the silent auction site, to sell off the completed pieces to donate money to multiple causes.  I  want to raise money to help other people who are struggling with MS, and our second cause is for veterans, because I cannot believe how poorly they are treated when they return from overseas,  and how little is being said about this. I believe that everyone has the ability to create art, and with a bit of support, they can use their work to rehabilitate their lives, whether for the love of the work, or just getting into a group, and having interaction with others. But I am getting ahead of myself. There is much more before I got to the point of the mosaix for the masses contest. I worked in town and at home for many years until I was diagnosed, and for a few years after, until I couldn't anymore.
Then I just worked here. Let's see, I quite working at Tari's October 16, 1996.
I have been a stay at home artist for almost 8 years.
What a blast, excepts that my customers seem to have forgotten that I am up here, and the market right now is brutal, and my hands aren't working right, but hey, MS gets to call most of the shots, at least I can still type (at least well enough for you to read)
I am planning on doing a bunch more writing, so hang in there with me, I have some stories you have not heard yet.
I think I will start this as a daily log/journal, and see where it goes from there.
Keep in mind that I jut got this new laptop.
Be patient.
Very patient.
Also keep in mind that I am also cleaning up my archive, and publishing anything old, just to get it out of my way.
Peace and love
Many more to come

Workingwithms or not?

I am tired. This MS crap is not working for me at all anymore. I am trying to ramp everything back up, as if I was the same person physically that I was in 2003, and guess what? I am not that person anymore, I can't do the same things pre-MS me could do
.Yes I can sort of get myself where I need to go, but I need help unloading or loading my mobility gear and anything I am trying to do, yknow? The shopping needs to go in the house, the mosaic project needs to go into the van, then get to the table where we are working for the day. Every time I try to plan a day, I forget,  oh, wait, you need help doing some of that.
MS Bites, that  is the bottom line of this post.
Do everything while you can
Live your life to it's biggest fullest full color event, and don't listen to any naysayers, ok?
This is just me cleaning out my old blogs that I never finished, and now I am back to learning about my new laptop.
what fun.
Just by the way, MS is not working with me right now