Monday, April 30, 2012

racing the fucking turtle, literally

Ok, for those of you who do no actually know me, i have a wholly irreverent sense of humor, and when i am in a good mood, I could empty a bar full of sailors, faster than a naked whore fight in the alley. so, if you have a delicate sense of anything, it was nice knowing you, but don't let the door hit you in the ass, on your way out.
(ok, with that nasty  little business out of the way, the rest of us can have a nice little chat.)
I was just the other day remebering a day when we left the doors to the studio open last summer, and I came whizzing out of the fucking office (god I HATE doing bookwork, doesn't anyone have a razor I could use to excise that part of my life? ) and one of our wonderful little painted turtles was making his was across the concrete floor in my studio. OOOOHHH, he was so pretty, and I wanted to keep him as a pet, but reality took a step into my world, so I figured that I  had to get him out of the building, (there's no food, 4 cats, 2 humans, any number of customers and friends coming through, etc etc) Now, keep in mind that  on a good day, I could maybe catch a diseased stink bug with a vacuum cleaner, f someone was helping me to keep him cornered.
So I start to attemp to  move into position to scoop up the turtle.
Hah, easier said than done. That little bastard was fukkin fast, and determined to escape my clumsy wheeled attempts to curtail his freedom.
(and this is a pic I took of our local fauna,why wouldn't he want to go back out????????)

SO,it took a few tries, and some serious manuevering, (yeh, yeh, i'm a woman driver, bite me)... but I worked him into a corner, and grabbed him, so that I could release him into the wild, back to where the berries grow, and so you think there was an ounce of gratitude? Well, if you did, think again. The little bastard turned his open maw on me, and hissed, and kept hissing, until I got him outside, and into the berrie bushes from whence he came. or so I thought,......(2B continued, it's bedtime, I can feel it kicking in, and I'll go take advantage of a few hours of sleep)

Well, I meant to  blog today, but the day just ran away with me, and I never caught up. Tomorrow I will write about the trials of FATIGUE!!! The Most Special part of MS. And yeah, I know everyone gets tired, beieve me, it's not the same thing. If you want to imagine a daily bout with fatigue, first you need some 30 lb weights to tie to your writs and ankles, then get back to me, and we can discuss fatigue then.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Who I was is still who I am.

ok, just getting started with this blog thing, but since I am up at 1 am, again, and I  thought I would share a few thoughts with the masses.
what is it like working with MS? Well, that question can read two ways, it could be about what it's like to deal with this monster motherfucker of a disease, or I could be writing about what it is like to try to focus on my stained glass, and pottery, and what sort of adaptations I have  had to make, to continue to be a productive unit.
my best friend, and mentor, is a guy who has me beat by a mile when it comes to raw natural talent, gentleness, and inner grace. That being said, when we are together, we are the rudest m----er f---ers you can find. It's just a natural way of expressing our natural dismay at this planet, the people and corporations who rape it, and my personal fight with the MS monster. Which I have compared to being face fucked by a monkey. (If this offends, please stop reading, cuz it's only going to go downhill from there). I can be rude crude and socially unacceptable, and I certainly have been known to revel in it, esp if it needs to be done, to shut up someone who "knows everything"
i was a bartender, and a "power-server" for about 20 yrs. Everything from The Strawberry Saloon, a salad buffet in a mall, to  CK, a strip joint in Pgh Pa, to Power server and main bar-bitch at Tari;s Cafe, in Berkeley Springs wv, my last job outside of the home studio that my husband runs.  I am lucky that my home is my studio, and that within reason, I can make my own schedule, as anyone w ms knows, we need lots of breaks, and so on, and most bosses and corporations dont want to take the time to discover your skills, and see that you are worth their  time.
Anyhoo, because of my special and blessed situation, I get to work here, and I have gotten lots of help from WV Dept of Rehab Services, and as I talk weith others in this sort of situation, I realize that lots oif folks dont know what's available to us, and I have a desire to help others, and help them to advocate for themselves, I'd like to hear from other in this sort of situation, especially if your computer skills could use a bit of brushing up, and  you r looking for local resources, etc.
I will help, if I casn, and I have a great hubby with every computer skill available, tg, and he answers any question I put his way. So, ask away, comment away, let me know topics you want to hear more about. If you r  looking for medical info, I am probably not your girl. The Wheelchair Kamikaze has all that covered. Go check him out, he's sharp as hell, and researches his treatment possibilities extensively. I am more of your go to rant girl. And I wanted to start ranting, and find a circle of like minded folks who want to share their stories Going off to try to crash agayn, but I'll be back.