Sunday, November 23, 2014

Working out the details

So, Mark is leaving Frog Valley, and me. I guess MS took that round, eh? Frog Valley is too much for me to handle on my own, but someone will come along, to help with all the work, and enjoy the benefits of being part of this little collection of art and artists.
I am not going anywhere,  so time will tell.
I hope everyone who loves Frog Valley, and me will continue to come around, wish Mark and I both well, enjoy the property, and enjoy the art work...
I am going through all my old posts, so if it sems disjointed, it isn' you, I am clearing the decks, getting prepared for the next phase of my journey. Love to everybody, peace and love. V

Saturday, November 22, 2014

having a new roomie, but I think I know him from somewhere

Oh, yeah. He's been my partner for 24 years, and I thought I knew him.
Then he became the most dreaded of all beings
The wasband. That sounds so formal, lets call him the wubbie
You have probably met other wubbies before and each one is unique, let me tell you, but the story sounds familiar.
You know, going on 50, feeling trapped, looking for the easy way out, but there isn't one, ok? Somebody tell these pathetic jet lagged manopausal men that life doesn't just let you walk away, someone gets to pick up all your pieces
 and when you have MS it's hard to pick up anything
there is a funny side to this, but mostly it is pretty sad, to think you spent 20 some year with another person, and then to watch all your dreams and plans just melt away.
maybe this takes a while to get to the funny part, I am still at the somewhat bewildered part.
I'll work on it, get back to you 
It definitely takes some creative thinking, to get along with your wubbie, and he even talks to me about all his new friends and partners. That's ok, as long as I don't have to hear any more about the toxic chick from hell that is finally out of his life, and mine, and this time it's for good.
Where to even begin? Can I just write and publish everything I think? No, too brutal, even for me. I believe I need another blog, where I can write anonymously, that way I don't offend my fans sensibilities. Maybe you can catch me on the flip side, eh?
Maybe I can make a game of it, and folks can find me
drop me a note if you figure it out

Trying to blog, but why?

I feel like I should be writing, and I have amazingly vivid dreams, but when I start to write, everything dries up
I feel dried up
at 43
I can't even get to work in my studio my brain fog defeats me, as does the pain
I am feeling entirely cast adrift by everything I  thought I was heading towards
where do you go from here? unknown
thats a first
A true first for me, I have always felt as if I knew where I was headed,  but right now?
Lost is the only thing I feel, I operate on a daily basis, just getting through the day, the weekend, the next few hours
MS causes depression, as if it wasn't depressing enough just to be diagnosed, that is also part of the package of delightful side dishes, just letting you know
So I am going to use this as a daily (hopefully) exercise, and eventually things will start kicking, hope you are ready for the ride