Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oh yeah? Well, f@#$ you, MS

Well, I get an absolutely fantastic day once in a while, and yesterday was one of them. I am def achy and totally wiped out today, but I'll take it easier on myself, I promise.
woke up early (always a good start)
checked on my email, etc
took my pills and vitamins( sigh, but they help with certain issues)
went to the office to enter weekend sales ( a bit light, but the season is only just beginniing)
sorted mail pile (how does it get so enormous?)
put all items requiring calls to one side ( still an hour and a half til 9 am)
back upstairs (zoom zoom says the little powerchair that could)
check email, check fb page, misc computer tasks,
back down to the office to deal with phone calls
unload and reload kiln
take pics of current stained glass project to email to client
back upstairs (zoom zoom)
download images, edit images, resize images, email images to client
make lunch eat lunch, take nap 12-1
get up and fold 3 baskets of laundry, then crawl around the bedroom to put it all away
hey, while I'm on the floor, do some yoga.   then   I go back to my studio to spend a few hours working until it gets to be 6 or 7, then off to the kitchen and we normally cook together with me doing the grunt works as well as I can, and Mark doing the actual cooking, because the stove is definitely definitely NOT HC accessible,  and I was never fond of burns. We may listen to a cool comedian,  or
watch some tube. we might discuss business plans, do computer work, or go our separate ways while we work on different projects until it is absolutely time for bed, then I might fall asleep watching television. S o, fuck you MS, I did more today than a lot of people who are considered "normal"do in 2 days.


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