Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just because I am awake.......

that doesn't mean my friends are. Just became reacquainted with that factoid, sorry rags. I am waiting for the full moon to rise above my tree line, so that I can shoot pictures ofit, which I will share with everyone tomorrow. We had a full work schedule in the studio today, with tamarack LOVING all the new samples I have sent. They bought the lot, and the purchase order for more is on the  way. They really liked the new pendants, too. happy day for all the folks in the studios here.
I have been spending alot of time with my new camera, as well, because the macro function is amazing, and the spring flowers are coming on strong. I will share picture tomorrow. No turtle to race yet, but they'll be back,,, can;t think of any good stories to relate at thr momentm so I am just rambling away.
 Hmmm, working with MS, what sucks the most.. I  guess it would be meeting new people who have that automatic pity thing going on, instead of the automatic amazement that my work should inspire in them. I mean. really folks, handicapped or not the amount of work, care and attention that go into my stained glass are pretty . intensse, so..that would be mt first gripe. Morer later

1 comment:

  1. Hey there glass guru almighty!!

    I'm just reading your blog for the first time, and it's GOOD. You have a way with words...all KINDS of words. Keep 'em coming. I'm a fan...but then I've always been your fan.
