Thursday, July 26, 2012

Working with Technology (I'm the computer tech?)

So, I have a friend, we'll call him "r", he is  a really good friend, and I "help" him with his technology issues.He always helps me with anything I need, so I figure I can work this out. (with lots of help from my hubby)  Believe me, if there was someone else lining up for the job, they'd be welcome to it, cuz basically, I don't know fuck all about computers.
But, I figured out how to build a website ( (with much help from my hubby) and I worked out a system for cataloging the photographs of the points of peace, and I do my best to maintain the site, and all is good. It's nothing flashy, but we have it, he's got email, and all is well in the world as we know it.......
Except, there was a problem with our internet provider. (keep in mind, that at home, this would all be my hubby's domain) We weren't happy with the service that was (or was not) being provided, so..r decided that they could take a flying leap, and he told them so (and in a much nicer way than I would have after spending for 3 fucking hours on the phone with them).
Not so large a problem, you are thinking. Well, you must not live in the middle of the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, I'm thinking, because it IS a problem, to get internet in the middle of bum fuck nowhere.
Let me tell you about it.
I called Frontier, and they told me that the cable was not run in our area. I called Direct TV (who r already has television with) and they could not help us either. I tried Skynet, and Skyweb, no, not really, and then HURRAY!!  Skyblue said yes, bet when the technician came out, he said, no, not really. sorry. I tried Verizon, same story as Frontier.
I tried a bunch of different places, but it wasn't looking good, and we really really really did not want to go back to our original provider. Anyway, r got a flyer in the mail, for Dish and bundled packages for internet service. Oh boy!! 
(We won't even go into the whole saga of cancelling Direct TV and getting screwed for $400. I'm still working on that one.)
So, we signed up with dish. They bundled us with Lumos, or some fucking place there are so many fucking sky names going on, and we set up a time, and lo and behold, it's the same guy who came out before, and he says, no, not really, sorry.
I'm getting pretty fed up here,  but for some reason, probably at r's urgung, i called Frontier back, and, hey, now they DO have the cable run into our I sign up.
But there had been a big storm
and all their people were busy
for at least 2 more weeks
but I don't have a lot of fucking options here, so I sign up, and take a number
Sigh. So, I take r's brand new computer home (oh, by the way, hubby pricked that out, too), and run (with lots of help from my hubby) all the updates, and prepare it to go back to him, when he gets internet.
So the guy shows up....
and he looks at all the antique phone wiring in the house...
and he can't do it,  YET, but he will come back, after r's vacation, and run all the new wires, and we will be good to go
But in the meantime, our friend S shows up, and she has an Iphone. And she is getting online, and showing r stuff, and he has this puzzled look on his face, but finally he comes out with it
"why can SHE get internet, and I can't?"
She has a 3G thing
"why can't I get that?"
It's not the same
I don't know
"well, you know everything else"
no I don't
"well, then ask your hubby"
So I do, I get on the phone, and call Mark, and ask him why S can get 3G, and r can't.
He explains it to my satisfaction, and in a way that I can explain it to r, and I thank him, and get off the phone
I turn to r, and he says,
"well  J comes over, opens her computer, and shows me stuff all the time"
well,  either she is showing you stuff that is on HER computer, or she must have magic internet, cuz you don't have a wireless network  (even when you still had internet)
"well, maybe we should call her, and see what she has"
so I do
but first I get her old man and he doesn't know what kind of service J has
and he gives me her cell number
and then I get J, and I say
"hey, r here tells me that you can walk into his studio and open your laptop, and get online, and show him stuff"
"no I don't"
"wait wait, say that again" as I am holding it out to where r can here it "can you get online over here?"
(r speaking) "but she shows me all kinds of stuff on the compter"
(J speaking) "it's stuff that's ON my computer, not on the internet"
(me speaking) ok, J, that's what I thought.
as you can maybe gather, this discussion was getting a bit heated, because r is apparently under the impression that there is some great secret (probably female, as well) conspiracy to keep him off line.
But, we all calm back down { with me getting a few jabs in along the way, about the secret internet that only certain (probably female) people get to access, haha }and we hang out for a little while, and then r is taking me home, and since it's just the two of us, I am ribbing him  pretty hard, and also inquiring as to why I, of all people would make my life more difficult, by being part of some secret wireless internet conspiracy? and the discussion gets into how much he DOESN'T know about computers, even compared to me, and he says "HEY, I took a computer class once"
oh, yeah, when as that?
and that's all I need to write, I think

Friday, July 13, 2012

No names will be shared, so don't get too worked up, ok?

Allright, I am over at my bud's place, and while we were hanging out another friend came over, too. While he. was somewhere else, we get into a discussion, and somehow this turns to talk about oral sex (and no, guys, that is not all we talk about when you are not around, no matter what your fantasies involve)
 So anyway...she say's

"Well, I don't like blowing my husband,  you know..oral,  it's just  not my thing.
And anyway  I always have to jump up and brush my teeth know, I think he get's offended"

And I'm thinking,
"What? Why? He still got blown, right?" but I don't delve into this subject, this is not a discussion  that I am willing to have at this particular time and place, because of the other people that are present, so we keep on talking, about general girl stuff...but this statement stays with me.

So, I am having dinner with a few friends, some of them more proper than this discussion will allow, so when the crowd thins out to just me and one other couple, who I know I can have an interesting  (and amusing) discussion with.
So I turn the folks, and I say

"Ok, question for a guy, here."

and I lay out the background, and tell them the story of how my girlfriend says she has to brush her teeth after a blowjob, and I ask the male in the couple

"So, what do you say. would you be offended? Is this offensive? I mean, as a still got blown, right?"

and my guy friend says, and this is a direct quote from a male

 " I knew that this was what women talked about when  guys weren't around....
 but, hey, I'll buy her a fucking case of toothbrush, she can consider them disposable"

and we all fucking fell out, and much wine was consumed, and we continued to talk about a myriad of things.
But this discussion only continued to fester in my brain. So I lay this on one of my other girlfriends, both conversations, and after many giggles, she says

"well, you know, I hate it when you can feel those little spermatozoa crawling  under my gums, personally"

And we fell out laughing, and I can only say, girlfriend, if you are reading this, keep on brushing, if you are so inclined. And don't be mad, i didn't use your name, either here, or in the discussion among other friends.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

my babies!!!

The babies are getting SOOOO big, so fast. I am posting a quick note, to show them  @ 5 days.
Later I'll come back and tell everyone about the whole luna moth story.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So many ideas, so little time.. Mark has food regulations

Well, I have been gone for a while. I must have written down at least 15 different ideas for different posts, since I  last wrote out all my dirty little secrets to share with you.
First, I think  that I have decided the "format" for this blog is going to be  'Working with..(whatever)"as in
"Working within Mark's dietary restrictions or regulations, or requirements" or
"working with (whatever idea pops into my head at any given moment)
Since we are on the subject, my dear sweet hubby has A LOT of weird ideas about food, how it should be served, what's right, and definitely what is NOT right. Like:
Did you know that you cannot eat hotdogs unless they are in the proper size regulation hotdog bun?? Ok, wait, I think you can have them with beanies, too, as in beanie weanies,  but then you don't use bread, you cut them up (to the correct  size, of course, which is 3/8 of an inch, btw) But for God's sake, you can't eat them on bread, sliced in half, and you certainly cannot have a hotdog on a bagel, after you cut little slits in the side, so it curls up when you cook it, cuz that's just weird, ok?
There is also a required "order" to put together a sandwich, and if you don't do it in the correct order, (bottom to top, bread, meat,cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion, mayo on top half of bun, then salt and pepper) it doesn't taste right. Really? ok, and, if you are having your sandwich on bread, it needs to be cut diagonally, not straight across, and there are certain things you toast the bread for,... but Jesus Christ on cross, not turkey!!   I believe that ham salad is something I made up, and what the fuck is that? Did I put raisins in my chicken salad? ew, that's just gross, plain and simple (He finally came around to the fact that if I am making the tuna salad, it WILL have hard boiled eggs in it.)
Let's see, scrambled eggs? Scrambled in the skillet, with buttered toast on the side. sunny side up? ON the toast, but NO, don't butter the toast..I haven't even asked about poached, cuz I like mine on big thick cubes of toasted buttered french bread, and I'm not interested in the correct way to serve them. Oh, and the correct amount for A serving of bacon? That'd be the whole pound, minus the 2 pieces that  I eat. Scrapple is the same way, but it had better be RAPA, not some other alien form of cut up pig parts with gristle. And it must be cut into proper, even 1/4 inch thick pieces, ok?
Milk is milk, ok? Almond milk, soy milk, rice mile, you name it, unacceptable.  Milk comes from cows, and Mark drinks moo cow fuck milk (lactose reduced, and low-fat,but REAL milk, nonetheless, and that's it. Mark say's his mom's not here, so no one can make him try it. ( we won't even go into the fact that Mark's Mon couldn't cook her way out of a paper bag, and ANYTHING she cooked had to be singed to within an inch of it's existence, and the only time I  ever saw a beautiful turkey come out of her oven, she stripped all of the skin off of it (while I wasn't looking) and threw that in the TRASH, for "health" reasons.(but never mind the health factor in ho-hos, twinkies, pringles, oreos, or any of the single serving junk she kept around to feed her grandchildren) And wile we are on the subject of turkey, I LOVE leftover  turkey  and gravy, over waffles, a well worn tradition in my home growing up ( and seriously, don't knock it until you have tried it) My Mom once introduced all of her Chicago friends to this culinary delight, and they all said "yuck" at first, but 2 hours later, she was still making waffles to go under the turkey and gravy. I only get this treat now when Mark is somewhere else, and Mud and Fud come over to help out with things.  We then plan a waffle/turkey gravy orgy, and eat it until I explode. But, in mark's world, waffles get butter and syrup, and that is it, over and out. He will always compliment my mom on her potato salad, but anything else may or may not be actual FOOD, not some  peculiar Pennsylvania Dutch monstrosity that I am trying to convince him is delicious.
This is only the beginning in a long list, and I haven't even gotten to the allergies, and sensitivities to certain food items (and some of them are only once in a while, like honey..hmmmmm)
Good thing he likes to cook.
Talk to you soon

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I love my parents, that is why their names will be changed to protect the innocent

So, I really and truly do love my parents, but I gotta tell everyone about last weekend.
Mark was away for a trip overnight, and he didn't want to leave me alone.
So, I asked Mud and Fud to come down. Mud makes good food, remember.

it only took about the usual 5 min for the Mud and Fud routine to begin.
Fud: (load groan of pain, heard from a distance)
Mud: Fud, ARE YOU OKAY??
Fud: (silence)
Mud: Fudhead, ARE YOU OKAY?
Fud: YEAH, I'm alright
Mud : What was that noise?
Fud: ((sigh)
Mud: Fudhead, WHAT was that noise?
Fud: just my legs hurting
Mud ok, sit down
Fud (silence)
Mud: Are you sitting?
Fud: No, not yet
Mud: FUDHEAD, Go sit down, and you'll feel better
Fud (silence)
Mud ARE YOU sitting down yert?
Fud (silence)
Mud: Go sit down, and take some deep cleansing yoga breaths

Then she turns to me, and starts to explain how he is always doing this, and if he would only go sit down and breath deep cleansing breaths, or go do legs up a wall, he would feel infinitely better.
I won't copy and repeat the above conversation, but it happenned at least 5000 times in a 24 hour period.  Instead, I'll tell you about Fud and computers.

I was downstairs, in the kitchen, and Fud said "I don't thjink I am online"
I said, Are you on facebook?
Fud (pause) yeah
Me: then you HAVE to be online
Fud: (silence)
Fud: oh, ok, but I never put in a password
Me: That's because Mark did it for you last time, and your computer remembers things like that
Fud: I still dont think I am online
Me: ARE you ON Facebook?
Fud: (pause)  uh, yeahMe: Then you HAVE to be online, whether it is our network, or some neighbor who has an unprotected network.

Fud But I didn't put in a password
Me sigh, then maybe you r on a neuighbors network, but prolly, your computer remebers our password, bring your computern down here, and I can tell you which
Fud (silence)
me: Fud aree you bringing the computer dwon here
Fud (pause) No, it's ok
me: Ok
Fud: But I dont think I am online.
me:(sigh ) you are, if you werent, you couldn't be on facebook, really,
Fud: ok

you get the idea, but these conversations seemed to take place quite often, esp the one about the deep cleansing yoga breaths, and how he would feel better, if only...

Then, Fud wanted to know why he didn't have a calculator on his computer.
Me: You do, everyone has one. Bring your laptop here, I'll show you
Fud:: (silence)
Me: Do you see it? Bring your laptop down, and I'll add it to you quick launch bar, and you'll always be able to see it.
Fud: (silence)
Me: Fuddy, are you bringing me that computer?
Fud: (silence)
Me: Are you going to mmake me climb those stairs?

Fud comes down, without his I show him on MY laptop, how to find the calculator

Fud: Go back and do that again
Me: Ok, now look, go to your start button, see them go to programs
Fud Do that again
Me Ok, go to our start button, then go to programs
Fud: OK
Me: thern you find this file, accessories
Fud: Go back and show me how you did that again
Me: Ok, go to your start button, then go to programs, then accessories, see? Theres your calculator.
Yay, then you right click on it, and add it to your quick launch bar, see, you can right click on anything, anywhere, it wont hurt, it just gives you a list of options, see?
Fud: silence  then, Go back, and show me that again

I am out of time, I'll come back and finish the daga of mud and fud later

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A brief epiphany about "working" with MS

I figured out this morning while trying to get some chores done..working with MS is like trying to work on a bipartisan political group.
You want your body to do one thing, and MS decides it doesn't want to, so, MS wins, and you don't
Sounds like the sort of compromises we get in our government these days.
The people would like healthcare for everyone, so would most democrats, BUT republicans don't think we should have it, so, we don't.
Isn't life grand?
On a totally different subject, check out the baby birdies we have nesting out back, they are maybe the size of a table spoon, and there are 6 of them tucked away in there. Life actually is grand.

Friday, May 11, 2012

MS stands for mostly sucky, but, you can still appreciate the good things.

Well, MS DOES in fact suck, as anyone who has anything to do with it knows, but I am sure that a bunch of you also realize  that having MS gives you a new perspective on life, and how you choose to live it.
I know that I would  not change much of my life(just the fucking MS parts.)
I have a great hubby.
I have fabulous, big hearted and  generous friends. (Helen, Linda, Natalia, Joyce, Rose, Jeuli, Kat, and too many others to name)
I live in a beautiful place
I can still work with glass, and pottery.
I have a great best friend in ragtime
I can still get myself around, with the help of my magic wheelie chair, and help from my aforementioned friends and hubby)
This planet, despite the efforts of a few fuckked up individuals, still holds beautiful places in it.
I am about to share a few pictures I took this week, of my property, garden, flowers, pets, and critters who share their valley with me, and you decide if it's beautiful.

now, I need to go re-size some images...excuse me for a mo..

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A smaller world

One thing MS does with your life? It makes it smaller. I don't get out as much, I no longer work outside of my home studio, and I very carefully select where I spend my spare time and energy.

In another sense, I spend more time inspecting my surroundings, the valley I live in, and the plants and critters who share their planet with me. Here is a sample of some of my photos from yesterday. I hope you enjoy them as much ass I enjoyed taking them.
The full moon was gorgeous, and I will try to get a better photo of it next time around.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just because I am awake.......

that doesn't mean my friends are. Just became reacquainted with that factoid, sorry rags. I am waiting for the full moon to rise above my tree line, so that I can shoot pictures ofit, which I will share with everyone tomorrow. We had a full work schedule in the studio today, with tamarack LOVING all the new samples I have sent. They bought the lot, and the purchase order for more is on the  way. They really liked the new pendants, too. happy day for all the folks in the studios here.
I have been spending alot of time with my new camera, as well, because the macro function is amazing, and the spring flowers are coming on strong. I will share picture tomorrow. No turtle to race yet, but they'll be back,,, can;t think of any good stories to relate at thr momentm so I am just rambling away.
 Hmmm, working with MS, what sucks the most.. I  guess it would be meeting new people who have that automatic pity thing going on, instead of the automatic amazement that my work should inspire in them. I mean. really folks, handicapped or not the amount of work, care and attention that go into my stained glass are pretty . intensse, so..that would be mt first gripe. Morer later

Victoriia's Bear Dance

This is window number 3, in a 7 window installation.  each panel was 44" long,and 20" tall. I was trying to post the entire set, but, hey, we r talking abooout me..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tom Panebianco window for the DC home

I realized my last comment would lead anyone to expect some pics, so, let's try that again. this piece was 3'x3', and now hangs at the Cairo, in D.C., around the Dupont Circle. Lots of little squares, but, fun iin the long run. Especially for Helen....heh heh heh
More pics coming soon

so, how much is enough?.

well, the interesting answer to that question is, no matter  what you do, what you get done, and who you are, THAT is enough. YOU  are enough. You HAVE enough. You DO enough, and that's all there is to it.  Until recently, I was on a real low energy run, maybe me new acupuncture has helped to bring  my energy around, but, even when I had no energy, I   knew I was enough, but it isn't easy sometimes, esp if you are extremely active (or were extremely active)
I got up around 4am, saw Mark off on his trip, organized my lists for the day, went down, cleaned out the kiln, reloaded the kiln, went next door to the pottery shop, trimmed a big new bowl, and came back to write a blog post...but, argh!! I fell asleep.
Know what? Still ok. What's going to happen if you don't get it done today? For most things, not much, so, put the crucial, time sensitive stuff at the top of the list, and DON'T beatt your self up for what you don't get done, just transfer the stuff over, and keep hotting it, until you make your way to the end of the list, or the end of your day, whichever comes first. Woerking with MS sucks, yes, but, because of it, I am able to work from my home, and do the things I love. (except the bookkeeping, and I am working on that.
That's it for the morning, blog, cuz my folks are coming to help me get some stuff done today, hope everyone has a  glorious day, going to leave you withv some pics

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I am lucky, I have a dear friend, who is also a qualified, licensed acupuncturist. Tamme Marggraf works with the whole body, and recently we began a new treatment that is having amazing results in China, and other countries. We have been meeting in my home, 3 times a week. This new treatment has a very different placement of the needles, instead of being perpendicular, they are slanted, sort of similar to splinters, and they are all in the scalp.

 (these are pics  of some of ragtime's hangings, see, to read about our project, and the mission for peace as well as our goal to help women leave abusive situations)

The other difference is that they HURT, unlike most of the other treatments we have done,  these needles get manipulated while in my scalp, and they can burn like a mother. Hey, the way I figure it, if there is even a small chance of success, and I  start walking/standing better, I am in. I told Tamme that if   this works  as well as it could, I will build her a house out of stained glass, and it will be amazing.

ok, just a quick note on the rampaging turtle.. this gives you a good idea how much MS has done in your life, if you have this opportunity, to try to corner as turtle.Seriously, who cant catch a  freaking box turtle????

Monday, April 30, 2012

racing the fucking turtle, literally

Ok, for those of you who do no actually know me, i have a wholly irreverent sense of humor, and when i am in a good mood, I could empty a bar full of sailors, faster than a naked whore fight in the alley. so, if you have a delicate sense of anything, it was nice knowing you, but don't let the door hit you in the ass, on your way out.
(ok, with that nasty  little business out of the way, the rest of us can have a nice little chat.)
I was just the other day remebering a day when we left the doors to the studio open last summer, and I came whizzing out of the fucking office (god I HATE doing bookwork, doesn't anyone have a razor I could use to excise that part of my life? ) and one of our wonderful little painted turtles was making his was across the concrete floor in my studio. OOOOHHH, he was so pretty, and I wanted to keep him as a pet, but reality took a step into my world, so I figured that I  had to get him out of the building, (there's no food, 4 cats, 2 humans, any number of customers and friends coming through, etc etc) Now, keep in mind that  on a good day, I could maybe catch a diseased stink bug with a vacuum cleaner, f someone was helping me to keep him cornered.
So I start to attemp to  move into position to scoop up the turtle.
Hah, easier said than done. That little bastard was fukkin fast, and determined to escape my clumsy wheeled attempts to curtail his freedom.
(and this is a pic I took of our local fauna,why wouldn't he want to go back out????????)

SO,it took a few tries, and some serious manuevering, (yeh, yeh, i'm a woman driver, bite me)... but I worked him into a corner, and grabbed him, so that I could release him into the wild, back to where the berries grow, and so you think there was an ounce of gratitude? Well, if you did, think again. The little bastard turned his open maw on me, and hissed, and kept hissing, until I got him outside, and into the berrie bushes from whence he came. or so I thought,......(2B continued, it's bedtime, I can feel it kicking in, and I'll go take advantage of a few hours of sleep)

Well, I meant to  blog today, but the day just ran away with me, and I never caught up. Tomorrow I will write about the trials of FATIGUE!!! The Most Special part of MS. And yeah, I know everyone gets tired, beieve me, it's not the same thing. If you want to imagine a daily bout with fatigue, first you need some 30 lb weights to tie to your writs and ankles, then get back to me, and we can discuss fatigue then.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Who I was is still who I am.

ok, just getting started with this blog thing, but since I am up at 1 am, again, and I  thought I would share a few thoughts with the masses.
what is it like working with MS? Well, that question can read two ways, it could be about what it's like to deal with this monster motherfucker of a disease, or I could be writing about what it is like to try to focus on my stained glass, and pottery, and what sort of adaptations I have  had to make, to continue to be a productive unit.
my best friend, and mentor, is a guy who has me beat by a mile when it comes to raw natural talent, gentleness, and inner grace. That being said, when we are together, we are the rudest m----er f---ers you can find. It's just a natural way of expressing our natural dismay at this planet, the people and corporations who rape it, and my personal fight with the MS monster. Which I have compared to being face fucked by a monkey. (If this offends, please stop reading, cuz it's only going to go downhill from there). I can be rude crude and socially unacceptable, and I certainly have been known to revel in it, esp if it needs to be done, to shut up someone who "knows everything"
i was a bartender, and a "power-server" for about 20 yrs. Everything from The Strawberry Saloon, a salad buffet in a mall, to  CK, a strip joint in Pgh Pa, to Power server and main bar-bitch at Tari;s Cafe, in Berkeley Springs wv, my last job outside of the home studio that my husband runs.  I am lucky that my home is my studio, and that within reason, I can make my own schedule, as anyone w ms knows, we need lots of breaks, and so on, and most bosses and corporations dont want to take the time to discover your skills, and see that you are worth their  time.
Anyhoo, because of my special and blessed situation, I get to work here, and I have gotten lots of help from WV Dept of Rehab Services, and as I talk weith others in this sort of situation, I realize that lots oif folks dont know what's available to us, and I have a desire to help others, and help them to advocate for themselves, I'd like to hear from other in this sort of situation, especially if your computer skills could use a bit of brushing up, and  you r looking for local resources, etc.
I will help, if I casn, and I have a great hubby with every computer skill available, tg, and he answers any question I put his way. So, ask away, comment away, let me know topics you want to hear more about. If you r  looking for medical info, I am probably not your girl. The Wheelchair Kamikaze has all that covered. Go check him out, he's sharp as hell, and researches his treatment possibilities extensively. I am more of your go to rant girl. And I wanted to start ranting, and find a circle of like minded folks who want to share their stories Going off to try to crash agayn, but I'll be back.